Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Letters to the Editor - Feb. 13, 2008

County Commissioners need to provide services we pay for

I am reminded of a cartoon that I read recently that depicted a male politician shouting and holding up a sign proclaiming the need for change. The next picture was of a female politician shouting and holding up a sign proclaiming the need for change. The next picture was of a wage holder opening a pay envelope and two coins roll out. With a bewildered look the wage earner’s word was change. A true depiction of reformers implementing programs and not considering the far-reaching consequences of their “reformation.”

The radical environmentalists are a good example. Through out the previous decades they proclaimed that Oregon’s natural resources had to be placed off limits from human use and set aside for nature, for nature’s sake. No thought was given to the consequences of eliminating Oregon’s use of its resources. Oregonians are currently experiencing the results. The Federal government, tired of subsidizing Oregon’s short sightedness, is justifiably eliminating the graft (timber payments) Oregon has illisitly received for many years.

To solve the problem our over bloated County Commissioners have just recently and brilliantly discovered that Lane County is in a fiscal crisis. Their solution, reduce or eliminate taxpayer protection from criminals! Not bad enough, they advertise to the criminals the crimes they can commit and get an out of jail free pass.

Do the Commissioners expect us to quiver in fear and turn over whatever sums of money they demand? I love my family too much and we have worked too hard to allow criminals to take control of our lives. I also do not trust the Lane County Commissioners as a fiduciary accountant any more and will not grant them additional funds until they use what they have more foresightedly and frugally.

If the Lane County Commissioners cannot provide the protection taxpayers dearly pay for, a refund is in order for services not rendered. Rest assured that individual family and property protection will still exist.

Arvid Freiberg

Springfield Beacon a pleasure

You folks have a real winner of a publication. It is such a pleasure to read all the good news of Springfield.

Everything is so interesting and well written and complete. Congratulations. I know it is an art to produce and seems to be in the hands of experts.

I’m prompted to tell you what I think is a well kept secret in Springfield, the Second Story Books store. Neatest, most complete, a knowledgeable manager. It’s there on Main Street. Take a look, it’s classy and a nice addition to town.

My Eugene address is a retirement complex but I’m really a Springfield boy.

Thanks for the Springfield Beacon … it’s a joy.

Ray Cavagnaro

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